If you change your habits, change your life. ❤

Did you ever notice that you were looking for something sweet to help you cope with a bad situation?
You are not the only one!

  As you know a habit is any behavior learned through repetition. Also, according to several scientists, the habits whether positive or harmful, are created because the brain always looks for ways to save effort, try to modify any routine in a habit to save time and energy.

 On the other hand, the study entitled "How habits are formed: modeling the formation of habits in the real world", published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, concluded that a person took 66 days on average to create a habit that endures over time.

I can say that all people have habits that harm us, in some cases are notoriously bad ☹ or in some cases not. ☻

 Sometimes it’s hard to break a bad habit because in my case, I had to spend a long time changing my bad habit.

Three years ago, I had a bad habit. I used to sleep very little when I felt sad, this was because a very important person died. Also, this situation not only affected my sleep hours but also my diet, as I used to eat too many sweets. Besides, according to the Mayo Clinic, "your emotions can be linked in such a way to the eating habits that you automatically seek to give yourself a taste when you feel angry or sad, without thinking about what you are doing."

For this reason, it is important to be aware of what it means to have a lifestyle that is unhealthy. Then I started taking a bath and listening to audiobooks before going to sleep. At first, this did not work, however, these actions were becoming a habit and with the passage of some months, I could control and break my bad habit of every day sleeping less than the previous one. On the other hand, I used to listen to quiet music so as not to have so much anxiety.

Personally, if people want to break a bad habit, it is important to reflect on their well-being. I think that’s the first thing people need to realize. I would like to share some of the lessons from Charles Duhigg’s book "The Power of Habits" because habits are so important in my life, in that of my family and in that of the people around me. ❤


- Jones, A. (2020). 5 TIPS TO IDENTIFY (AND AVOID) BAD EATING HABITS RELATED TO STRESS. Obtained from https://www.planetfitness.com/es/community/articles/5-consessions-para-identifi-y-avoid-malos-habitos-alimentati-relatives-con
- Psicoadapta. (2019). Centro de psicología. QUÉ ES EL HÁBITO. Obtained from https://www.psicoadapta.es/blog/que-es-el-habito/


  1. The blog is very interesting, because it makes us reflect on the evil we do by having a bad habit. His experience also says that it was not easy to overcome his bad habit acquired by an imbalance in his emotions. And also in the blog shares a lesson from the book "the power of habit" in which we are made aware that a bad habit only affects people who have it, if not all people around them


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